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The IETs Diamond Jubilee Scholarships transform lives

The IET's Diamond Jubilee Scholarships transform lives

 February 26, 2019

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The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) is offering an exciting opportunity to aspiring engineers by inviting them to apply for a Diamond Jubilee Scholarship.

Successful candidates could receive at least £1,000 for each year of an undergraduate engineering degree.

A number of scholarships are available, for up to three years for Bachelors and four years for MEng, to students who are about to start an IET accredited degree course in autumn 2019.

Funding to help future engineers on their way

Three winners will each receive a Charles Belling Diamond Jubilee Scholarship worth £3,000 per annum (up to a maximum of four years).

One winner will receive an IET Diamond Jubilee Scholarship supported by the Janet Firmin Memorial Fund worth £1,000 per annum (up to a maximum of four years)

Two winners will each receive an IET Diamond Jubilee Scholarship supported by Siemens worth £1,000 per annum (up to a maximum of four years).

Approximately 25 winners will each receive an IET Diamond Jubilee Scholarship worth £1,000 per annum (up to a maximum of four years).

Do you have the talent and enthusiasm?

Women, if you know a talented A Level student who’s thinking of studying engineering, it is time to tell them about the IET Diamond Scholarship.

Or if you’re heading to university later this year, consider putting yourself forward and adding “some sparkle” to your engineering degree.

There are now new criteria for the 2019 IET Diamond Scholarships. Attain ‘ABB or above’ at A Level or Advanced Highers, ‘AAAAB or above’ at Highers, or 36 points or above on an International Baccalaureate Diploma. Find out more.

“Our IET Diamond scholarship could make a huge difference to a talented college student interested in engineering,” says Natalie Boon, Marketing Campaign Manager at The IET.

“If you’re hoping to do an engineering degree after your A Levels, you should read about our IET Diamond scholarships.”

The IET helps with bright futures

The IET Diamond scholarships are helping engineers of the future fulfill their potential. Find out who can apply.

Know a talented student who’s heading for ABB or above at A Level? Tell them about The IET Diamond Scholarship for aspiring engineers.

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