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Sheryl Sandberg: Women leaders are debunking stereotypes

 April 30, 2013

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Arianna Huffington's THRIVE is an excellent book, so make sure you check it out!

Meanwhile, Sheryl Sandberg's book is equally pertinent.

Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead” was inspired by a goal to help women believe in themselves and to help them know they can reach for opportunities, the chief operating officer who sits on the board of the social networking site said during a televised interview. 

“When men do something well they believe it’s them, and when women do something well, they believe it’s help from others,” she said.

Before Facebook, Sandberg was a vice president at Google and chief of staff for the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

As she rose up the ranks, Sandberg noticed that she was often the sole woman at her level -- a situation borne out by statistics showing women have sparse representation in top roles at most firms.

In the U.S., women hold 18.1 percent of senior officer jobs at Financial Post 500 companies, according to watchdog Catalyst, while in the UK, women make up just over 17.3 percent of directors sitting on FTSE 100 boards, according to Boardwatch

Sandberg’s book and LeanIn.org, an accompanying online campaign, focus on what women can do to break down stereotypes to help boost their numbers in leadership roles.

Computer technology firm IBM is an employer that aims to promote diversity by supporting women's career goals without insisting they sacrifice other priorities or compromise their natural working style.

“We have a strong focus on making our workplace more inclusive for women and to have greater representation of women in technical, leadership and professional roles,” IBM attests on their website.

IBM offers professional development programs, leadership conferences and mentoring programs to advance women into senior roles. Employees can expect to receive up to 60 hours of training each year, the company says.

Flexible work options at IBM help female and male employees balance their professional and personal goals. Read why women prefer to work at IBM.

IBM is actively hiring for many roles in Australia and New Zealand currently.

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