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We all know how to write the perfect CV right?

 April 30, 2013

 Read time 3 min

When writing out a CV, it is vital that you tailor it to the job you are applying for. It’s all well and good to save a generic CV, but remember to use it as a template rather than just sending off the same application for each job. Different roles require different skill sets, and it is important to tailor your CV to the job description. There are many common mistakes people make on their CV; taking the time to research the position you are applying for before you write your application will stand you in good stead.


One of the most common mistakes people make is thinking they need to cram every aspect of their job and education history into their CV. Writing too much can be off-putting to prospective employers, many of whom have hundreds of applications to sift through. As a rule of thumb, most employers will read only about the first third of the front page before making a decision, so try to get the key information down as early as possible. Although you do not want to leave unnecessary gaps in your employment history, you do need to pick out your most relevant experiences and emphasise them. You could use sub-headings to group together any other jobs you have undertaken in the past that are not relevant but fill out your history. Personal statements should be concise and to the point.


With a lot of applications taking place online these days, many employers use technology to help them sort the wheat from the chaff. Try to include keywords in your CV that are related to the job you are applying for. If it is a managerial role, pepper your CV with phrases such as ‘management experience’ or ‘team leader’.

Irrelevant Information/ Pointless Sentences

There is no point filling up your CV with generic job descriptions of previous roles. Employers will be mostly aware of what a job entails – what they are looking for are specific examples of how you have solved problems and dealt with tricky situations. Avoid sentences such as ‘works well as part of a team’, and try instead to give an example of how you have helped a team come together in the past

Don’t Lie

Of course everyone tries to make themselves sound as good as possible on their CV, but lying is a pointless exercise. If there are aspects of the job you are applying for that you have never done before, don’t pretend you have or you will soon be found out.

Don’t Make Spelling Mistakes

There really is no excuse. There is a spellchecker on every computer, and if it looks like you can’t even be bothered to proof-read your CV, then no employer is going to view you as a good prospect.

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