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What inspires impressive, talented women engineers?

What inspires impressive, talented women engineers?

 June 14, 2017

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International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) provides a perfect opportunity to focus on what inspires women engineers and why they enjoy their vocation.

Around the world, leading employers are actively supporting the careers of impressive women and helping them achieve their potential through exciting and meaningful engineering projects. We looked at what factors inspired some key engineers from across the world - and what advice they have about more women entering into the engineering profession.

So what inspires these women engineers?

Whether supporting clients' ambitions, drawing on the minds of fellow experts, having to think on their feet, or building grrat relationships - women engineers have a lot to say!

Lots of inspirational women engineers at AECOM

“I love being able to draw on such a broad range of experts within AECOM. If a client has a project which is challenging because it’s on a pontoon we have the relevant expert, if the challenge is that it’s grade 1 listed we have an expert for that too!” says Helena Rivers, Regional Director, Asset Advisory, Buildings + Places at AECOM.

“The kind of projects AECOM has delivered are testimony to the fact that AECOM transforms individuals passion into excellence and this is what propelled me to choose AECOM,” says Shanam Bhan from AECOM in India.

Schneider Electric provides exciting work for women engineers

"Science is beautiful but there aren't enough women in the STEM sector, especially in customer-facing roles. Companies and governments should go into schools and talk to girls explain what engineers do and explaining the range of career opportunities available," says Silvia Prieto from Schneider Electric.

“I love my current role because it constantly challenges me, I am part of a knowledgeable, interactive team that constantly share experiences and have a supportive manager that fuels my desire to do a great job for my clients and promote our sector internally. The role is also very diverse, I have to think on my feet, react quickly and be proactive, I also get to build strong relationships with clients and internal operations as well as plan my own day to a great extent. It is very rare that I am not smiling at work!” says Claire Dowsett from Schneider Electric.

Different perspectives at GKN

“More and more businesses and the world are embracing the benefits brought by more involvement of women: a different perspective, a more collaborative attitude and a practical approach,” says Corina Junghetu from GKN.

“For businesses, being diverse means more perspectives and more options, unlocking potential and sparking a new level of innovative thinking,” says Anna Keeling from GKN Aerospace.

Flexibility is key at Rio Tinto

“Our business has a lot to offer women in terms of challenging work, a focus on innovation, and the experience you gain through working for a global company,” says Rio Tinto’s Sara Worrell, principal adviser, Inclusion and Diversity. “But we know flexibility is also important; our employees’ needs change over time and we need to help them keep their work and life in sync,” says Sara Worrell from Rio Tinto.

“I‘m able to help grow, mentor and support other women from apprentices and trainees, operators and maintainers through to professionals in their journey as we see more women coming into the mining industry,” says Lesley Bryce from Rio Tinto.

Research options at the companies where these women work

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