Siemens Healthineers highlight inspirational stories in Pride Month

Siemens Healthineers highlight inspirational stories in Pride Month

 June 11, 2024

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During Pride Month, Siemens Healthineers is shining a spotlight on its LGBTQIA+ colleagues who share their inspiring personal stories and journeys from the past to the present, highlighting the courage it took to tell their stories and the support, belonging and allyship they've since found in the workplace.

Siemens Healthineers colleagues, Anna Wischlitzki and Lindsay Krakauer, discuss their transformative experiences within the company following their first feature on the Siemens Healthineers website.

Finding allyship in unexpected places

Siemens Healthineers Head of Business Partner Management

Siemens Healthineers Head of Business Partner Management for Digital Service Operations, Anna Wischlitzki, finally feels like her true self at work after sharing her story online, and has since found allyship in unexpected places and is raising awareness for others.

Two years have passed since Anna Wischlitzki took the courageous step of publicly speaking about her coming out at work, showing how important it is to live our true selves openly. Since then, a lot has happened in her life.

"Coming out is never a straightforward path. It's a delicate dance of narratives, where one must be gentle not to overwhelm others. I've found an unexpected ally in my company, which provided a platform to amplify my voice, sparing me countless draining conversations. After the first article about me, I received so much positive feedback from both within the company and my personal network – more than I could have ever hoped for. This support has been instrumental in my journey to becoming my true self," shares Anna.

"What truly astounded me was the personal acknowledgement from one of our board members for sharing my story. We had a great conversation about my transition and my family. When I expressed my father's concerns about my professional future, she invited us both for a follow-up meeting. This gesture dispelled any doubts I had. Today, I continue to enjoy my role as Head of Business Partner Management for Digital Service Operations and feel widely accepted."

"Since my global coming out, I've had the privilege of being a panellist and speaker at various internal events, where I've shared my insights and experiences. My role in developing a guideline for trans individuals at Siemens Healthineers, which successfully launched in Germany, marks a step towards a more inclusive future. I'm eager to witness its global adoption at our company. This journey has been incredibly fulfilling. And it made Siemens Healthineers a place where I can be my true self," comments Anna.

Raising awareness for others

Siemens Healthineers authentic self

Anna explains that after the article was released, a lot of feedback was received from colleagues, with many contacting to say thank you, and a few even told stories about their children, and how it encouraged them that Anna's story was shared.

"One thing that was interesting, in particular with the women at the IT Network. They invited me for a panel discussion, and they wanted me to talk about the question 'what does it mean to be a woman?' Reflecting on that helped me a lot, and how do I perceive myself," recalls Anna.

"I still did not have my legal name and gender changed, but inside the company it was, or is already, possible to do that. This is a huge thing to have a workplace where you really indeed choose self."

Creating environments where everyone can thrive

Siemens Healthineers Global Head of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Culture

Siemens Healthineers Global Head of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Culture, Lindsay Krakauer, shared how her coming out has helped her become the person she wants to be. Today, she welcomes two chapters of her life: career advancement and being a new mother.

"Since I shared my story to encourage all Healthineers to be their best selves, I have been touched by the outpouring of colleague support, including many parents of LGBTQIA+ children. As a parent now, this was especially meaningful and a reminder that we have allies all around us," says Lindsay.

"My career has always had two threads: leading folks through significant transformations and creating environments where everyone can thrive. But it was when my passion for transformation met my commitment to not leaving anyone behind that I realised more of my personal purpose by becoming the Global Head of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Culture. My current role involves collaborating with Healthineers around the world, to create and maintain a culture where people's views and inputs are valued and respected, and they feel a sense of belonging and recognition."

"My colleagues have reinforced the importance of community for me. We all go through challenging times, but you don't have to go through it alone. I would not be where or who I am today without my allies. The help offered by others carries you, teaches you and inspires you to show up for people when they need it," Lindsay adds.

"The moments where I can act as an ally for others are some of the most rewarding moments for me. The PRIDE network we have cultivated embodies this spirit of support and solidarity, providing a safe space for employees to be themselves and thrive. Our culture is based on employee communities where people connect, bond and belong. Community is important to me, it helps us to grow as individuals and as Healthineers. It's about not leaving anyone behind and ensuring everyone feels included so that we can win together."

Siemens Healthineers culture of inclusion

"Having someone stand up for you when it really matters sticks with you forever," says Lindsay.

Siemens Healthineers fosters an inclusive workplace

Siemens Healthineers encourages its employees to be themselves and empowers them to unleash their true potential, allowing for different ideas and approaches to thrive.

Siemens Healthineers provides a workplace where every individual can be themselves. Take a look at the many career pathways available.


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