Siemens Healthineers is committed to challenging the status quo and calling out inequality, enabling every employee the opportunity to break the glass ceiling.
Meet Sadhana Sheth, Head of Government Affairs of Siemens Healthineers India. Having worked at the company for thirty years, Sadhana speaks about the key to her success in her professional life, how she was able to assert herself and what she advises young women in their early careers.
Purposeful career development
For two years Sadhana has been leading the Governmental Affairs department, and she’s fully engaged, stating, that healthcare is her passion.
After completing her thirtieth year at the company in 2020, Sadhana has had a long and successful career at Siemens Healthineers. Sadhana started out fresh from university as a commercial trainee before moving to corporate strategy, and later managing and successfully rebuilding the Business Line Point of Care Diagnostics in India.
Having embraced the 2021 International Women's Day theme of #ChoosetoChallenge, Sadhana recognizes the need to call out gender bias and inequality, and challenges by always being assertive, making her point clear and questioning the status quo.
Achieving goals in the workplace
Sadhana was the only woman in her immediate work environment during most of her career, whether it was in her Global MBA Program, in leadership meetings, or in her role as a business leader. However, Sadhana never had the feeling of being excluded by her male colleagues, and never experienced any restrictions in her career.
“I’ve never felt stifled at any time: I was always able to make my point, question the status quo to achieve my goals," Sadhana remarks.
Formula for success
So did Sadhana have a specific formula for success? She always spoke up and believed that she did the right thing.
“I’ve grown with this approach: fearlessly and politely making my points and showing my presence. Not keeping quiet, not getting intimidated. I speak my mind without being too forceful or dominating," explains Sadhana.

Breaking the glass ceiling
Although Sadhana made her way up in the organization and charted the path with perseverance and determination, she is well aware of existing gender issues.
Sadhana recalls a meeting with only male colleagues discussing a suitable candidate for a prominent sales role. Several qualified female candidates had initially not been considered for various reasons.
She recalls, “In that meeting, I had to ensure that those qualified candidates got a fair chance. It felt like breaking the glass ceiling for them. I’m convinced that nothing is impossible.”
Sadhana believes that it’s especially important for young girls to strengthen their belief in themselves and never give up.
“They can achieve everything. They need to pursue their goals; they need to be strong and committed and have a strong value system," suggests Sadhana.
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Disclosure: Where Women Work researches and publishes insightful evidence about how its paid member organizations support women's equality.