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Entain ranks highly for workplace mental health support

Entain ranks highly for workplace mental health support

 June 26, 2024

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Entain is named as one of the top listed companies in the UK for managing and reporting on mental health by the CCLA Investment Management Mental Health Benchmark.

"Wellbeing is a key part of our Sustainability Strategy and our Entainers around the world strive to build a supportive and encouraging environment where all our colleagues can thrive," said Entain.

Evaluating how companies manage workplace mental health

The CCLA Corporate Mental Health Benchmark is designed to evaluate how listed companies approach and manage workplace mental health based on their published information.

It provides institutional investors with an account of a company’s management and associated disclosure practices on mental health, thereby acting as an important accountability mechanism for investors. Annual benchmark assessments allow stakeholders to track a company’s absolute and relative progress over time.

The aims of the benchmark are to:

  • Ensure that corporate efforts are directed towards activities that positively support the mental health of people at work.
  • Encourage greater disclosure on workplace mental health and enhance understanding of the business risks and opportunities presented by mental health among private sector employers.
  • Equip investors and other stakeholders with a tool for assessing the effectiveness of corporate management of business risks and opportunities associated with mental health across global operations.
  • Define important expectations on workplace mental health, providing investors with an accessible way to understand and evaluate corporate practices.

Helping employees feel happy and healthy

When it comes to wellbeing, Entain is committed to helping employees feel healthy and happy both at work and at home. That’s why Entain created the Well-me programme. Through this programme, employees gain access to seminars and support from wellbeing professionals, to ensure their physical and mental health are in great shape. 

Entain's Well-me strategy is designed to help employees make positive changes to improve their physical, mental, and emotional health, in turn creating a better performing, energised and productive workforce. 

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