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McKessons Wendy Brauner will always press for progress

McKesson's Wendy Brauner will always press for progress

 March 07, 2018

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Make noise to drive change

Wendy Brauner, McKesson, Senior Vice President, Marketing, US Pharma & McKesson Specialty Health

"A growing number of studies reflect a correlation between senior management diversity and company performance. Despite these positive reports, diversity at all levels in the workplace remains well behind where it should be."

"Manifestations of shortfalls include a gender compensation gap that will take unthinkably long to close on its current trajectory, persistent unspoken expectations of appropriate behaviors driven by conscious and unconscious bias and assumptions about career aspirations that may be based on data points outside of job performance.

"These and other areas that tamp down a diverse environment can affect the career health of employees and the cultural and business health of the companies who employ them.

Leaders must make noise to drive change

"Meaningful shifts in culture require individuals and groups willing to push companies and colleagues in a positive direction…to press for progress."

"I believe that to create an equal environment, we must not only challenge each other but also engage allies who will advocate from behind, in front and alongside of us.

"In recent years, McKesson’s employee resource groups have been able to work together to advance in areas of LGBT corporate equality and an enhanced parental leave policy. These efforts were born of hard work and persistence, married with the support of a company that is committed to growing its investment in women and increasing diversity in the boardroom.

"It will require an ongoing commitment to leadership from top to bottom in every aspect of society - geographical, cultural, political, corporate - to realize gains and then to build upon them."

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