Colt’s Network 25 promotes diversity and gender balance within Colt, and hosted an event on the topic of raising confident young women.
The company invited four fathers from within Colt - Andrew Edison, Ray Aboagye, Rich Anderson, and Werner Kladnik - to share their experiences as working dads with daughters.
Inspiring a generation of empowered women
One of the areas Network 25 focuses on is increasing young women’s participation in STEM activities. Research shows that a barrier for girls to try new things can be a lack of confidence. In 2012, a YPulse survey found from the age of 8 to 14, girls’ confidence levels fall by 30 per cent. The survey also found a confidence gap starts at just 12 years old. At age 14, girls reach their lowest point in self-confidence, and while boys confidence does take a hit in their teens (and this should be acknowledged) boys’ self-confidence is generally 27 per cent higher. One common factor can be parent’s subconscious need to protect their daughters more from taking risks.
An article by The Atlantic states that confidence is essential for turning thoughts into action, and when practised, confidence can accumulate and multiply itself. As risks are taken and the payoff is made evident, a person will gain the courage to take more risks in the future. But on the flip side, the absence of confidence can obstruct the development of behaviours needed to build it back up, like risk-taking, failure, and perseverance.
So when risks are avoided, confidence isn’t being built up for the future, which can explain why the confidence gap created at puberty may remain throughout adulthood. This links to why women are more likely to experience imposter syndrome than men.
According to the Ypulse study, fathers are 26 per cent more likely than mothers to accurately estimate how confident their kids are, that is why Network 25 wanted to run the event to open up the discussion with fathers with Colt and to help inspire a generation of confident empowered women.
Supporting young women to thrive

During the event, guest speaker Andrew gave a presentation about how his life experiences have impacted the way he parents, especially with his daughter. The panel - Ray, Rich, and Werner - then shared their own personal experiences.
"I encourage my daughter to take on activities outside of school, and I strive to show up and cheer her on when performing and in competition. If mistakes are made when trying something new, I avoid criticism and offer support and encouragement to try again. Children learn by seeing and doing, so now my daughter is a teenager, I think it’s important for her to come into the workplace to see what an office is like and hear about different career paths," said Colt's Vice President Enterprise & Capital Markets, Andrew Edison.
Colt Account Director, Ray Aboagye, shared the values and attitudes that he wishes to instil in his daughter while she is young. "My daughter is five, so while she is young, I want to give her the support and knowledge that she can do anything she sets her mind to. I think it’s really important from a young age she understands the reasons behind why she does things, to encourage independent thinking and ownership. We are doing this by giving her responsibility for simple tasks, like choosing her outfit each day," commentsedRay.
Colt National Interconnect Manager, Rich Anderson, discussed how his relationship with his daughters has changed now that they are adults. "Now both my daughters are adults, I have become more of an ally and a friend. You never stop being a parent and although they don’t need me as much, they know I am always here to support them. Now I’ve done the ‘hard work’ my main role is to give advice and encourage them to continue being the best person they can be," said Rich.
Colt International Bid Manager, Werner Kladnik, shared the advice that he would give to fathers raising more than one daughter. "As a father of four daughters, including triplets, my main piece of advice is; one size does not fit all. We have raised our children exactly the same, but the women they’ve become are all completely different, which is a beautiful thing. Raising five children wasn’t easy, so asking for help was essential. Just like the old saying goes 'it takes a village to raise a child', and we relied on help from our family and friends to raise the kids so we could carry on working full time," said Werner.
Encouraging confidence in daughters
Colt suggests the confidence cheat sheet from the New York Times is a great starting point to putting thought into actions around this topic.
Colt also recommends The Confidence Code for Girls, a book full of resources to teach girls to embrace risk, deal with failure, and be their most authentic selves.
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Disclosure: Where Women Work researches and publishes insightful evidence about how its paid member organizations support women's equality.