Catch Colts Full Picture podcast covering important work topics

Catch Colt's Full Picture podcast covering important work topics

 October 01, 2022

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Colt is committed to giving every voice a platform to be heard and building an environment where its people feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to work.

Through producing the podcast The Full Picture, Colt is taking a meaningful step towards educating, communicating, and listening.

Work-related podcast hosting meaningful conversations

The Full Picture combines individual stories and expert opinions to make sense of the world. It blends personal stories from employees, their own experiences and unique perspectives, along with the views and insights from experts within the industry and beyond.

Episodes focus in on topics that mean something to Colt's people and the workforces of further organisations - such as mental health, neurodiversity in tech, and changing conversations about race. The series covers new ground such as the trans experience of the workplace, modern masculinity, and coming out at work.

Catch Colt's work-related podcast.


Macho ado about nothing

Many old-school stereotypes around masculinity have thankfully faded away, but there are some that linger on, like men shouldn’t express their emotions or are as good a parent as a woman, or they should earn more than their partner, for example. Colt puts these myths under the microscope and figures out how they can be torn down.

Discover the Macho ado about nothing podcast episode.


For someone with a disability or long term condition, the workplace can be a minefield of potential obstacles, frustrations and straight-up roadblocks to what they need to do or where they need to go. From accessibility ramps to subtitles on video content, there are a number of things that can be done to help disabled team members feel more at home.

Listen to the Enabled episode.

What's in a name?

The workplace can be a difficult place to navigate for a trans person, deciding on which bathroom to use isn’t quite as straightforward as it is for cisgender colleagues, for example, not to mention fielding questions on appearance.

This episode questions the way employees can best support their trans coworkers, and their coworkers who are transitioning.

Listen to this episode here.

Class dismissed

In 2019, 56.5 per cent of disadvantaged young people in the UK left school without a GCSE equivalent. Compare that with the 75 per cent of employers who require a GCSE equivalent for entry level roles. And it’s not just education, nepotism is rife when it comes to internships and work experience for young people.

This episode of the podcast explores the ways to boost social mobility and break the deep-rooted cycles of class inequality.

Listen to Class dismissed.

So you want to be an ally?

A key theme that emerged from 2020’s Black Live Matter protest was the active involvement of non-Black people seeking to be allies.

"But what does being an ally really mean?", asks the episode.

This episode looks at the ways to be an ally and how to take constructive steps instead of being patronising or facetious.

Hear the So you want to be an ally? episode.

Coming out at work

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, the question of whether or not to come out at work is complicated.

As of 2018, Stonewall reported that over a third of LGBTQ+ people don’t come out in their workplace for fear of discrimination.

This episode questions the ways to create a space where people can not only come out, but thrive in their environment.

Listen to Coming out at work.

How Boomers and Millennials can work better together

There are so many stereotypes about the different generations, that Millennials spend too much money on avocado toast or that Baby Boomers are out of touch, but what happens when members of different generations are all under one roof?

In this episode, Colt looks at getting the best out of a multigenerational workforce and how to harness the power of each generation.

Listen to How Boomers and Millennials can work better together.

Busting myths around neurodiversity

Over the past few years, neurodiversity has emerged as an important element to consider in inclusion strategies, but what do people mean when they talk about neurodiversity? And how can employees cater to their non-neurotypical colleagues?

In this episode, the podcast breaks down misconceptions around neurodiversity and reshape it as a superpower.

Discover the Busting myths around neurodiversity.

I don't want to be seen as a token

In this episode, the podcast host talks with three women of Colt, who share the experiences they've had in their careers that shaped the women they are today.

Colt Finance Director, Operations & Engineering,Jeme Durici, VP of Sales Enablement, Helen Lawrence, and Associate Senior Manager, Billing Account & Tariff Management, Schweta Sason, all reflect on the shifting perceptions of women in the workplace, the frustrations of tokenism and the importance of taking risks.

Listen to the I don't want to be seen as a token episode.

How to protect your mental health in a pandemic

This episode explores how 2020 affected mental health and what we can be done to safeguard it.

The podcast host, Izzy Bishop, sits down with qualified Mental Health First Aider Bram Troost and co-founders of Wellbeing Mental Health, Hayley Dare and Gavin Richardson.

Hear the How to protect your mental health in a pandemic podcast.

We are more than one thing, we are multifaceted

The killing of George Floyd in the summer of 2020 sparked worldwide outrage, becoming a turning point for the anti-racism movement.

This episode asks, how do we transfer that momentum to the world of work?

Listen to We are more than one thing, we are multifaceted.

Can we actually measure inclusion?

In this episode, the podcast brings together Andrea Jones-Rooy PhD, Social Scientist, Diversity Research Consultant, and Professor of Data Science at New York University, along with Rachel Collins, Inclusion and Diversity lead at Colt to discuss their backgrounds, why inclusion and diversity is important to both individual and organisational success, and how they are working to bring it to the forefront of people's minds.

Discover the Can we actually measure inclusion?  podcast.

Looking to work for this progressive employer? 

Colt prides itself on the diverse backgrounds of its employees. It knows they bring unique insights and expertise.

Search career pathways with Colt.


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Disclosure: Where Women Work researches and publishes insightful evidence about how its paid member organizations support women's equality.


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