Marie-Caroline Baerd is an Executive Vice President and head of Capgemini Invent's AI offer. She develops thought leadership, new frameworks and solutions, promotes a “Trusted AI” approach, and has a 20+-year track record in business management consulting. She applies this experience in helping organizations leverage the full potential of AI and data to innovate, enhance revenues and drive efficiency, and to support their transformation journey from awareness and strategy to implementation at scale.
In the Capgemini Future Sight podcast an insightful episode called The secret to scaling Artificial Intelligence sees Marie-Caroline discuss why she believes the impact of AI will be much stronger if the solution is built for a specific purpose, what the best applications for it are, and most importantly what the secret is to actually scaling it within a business.
The impact of AI across industries
In the episode, Marie-Caroline [pictured above] joins Professor Moez Draief, Vice President of Data Science and Engineering at Capgemini, and Julien Molez, Group Data & AI Innovation Leader at Societe Generale.
Together they discuss how to scale AI, its use cases, the interdependencies between AI and data, and its potential impact across all industries.
So why should you invest in AI? This is an important question, and the experts argue that ‘you don’t do AI just because you can’ but rather that a clear strategy is needed, along with change management processes to empower end users, the right infrastructure, and effective data management policies.
AI provides exciting business opportunities
In the podcast, Marie-Caroline also discusses how AI means different things to different people.
Current conversations on the subject tend to focus on machine learning, which is just one element of AI.
Looking to the future, the broader scope for scaling AI offers exciting business potential and is not something to fear, she suggests.
Addressing this fear is a challenge because people will worry about their jobs and how AI might change their responsibilities.
Marie-Caroline discusses smart automation and AI
Marie-Caroline Baerd has also spoken previously about Smart Automation and the implementation of Artificial Intelligence.
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