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AECOM employees mentor veterans into the civilian workforce

AECOM employees mentor veterans into the civilian workforce

 January 31, 2023

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AECOM values the unique training and experience military veterans bring to its teams. 

AECOM is a proud partner and sponsor of American Corporate Partners' (ACP) mentorship program. ACP supports U.S. veterans as they transition from military service to the civilian workforce by providing online career guidance, mentoring, and networking opportunities. 

ACP's mentorship process typically involves a yearlong commitment. The structure entails monthly opportunities for mentor-protégés to discuss goals and issues by phone, videoconference, email, or in person, and often includes resume critiques and interview preparation. Each relationship is handpicked by ACP staff based on age, education level, location, shared career interests and other factors.

AECOM has supported some of its people to provide mentorship to help ACP counter unemployment among veterans.

Alongside their male colleagues, we hear from AECOM Project Manager Michelle Sweeney and Environmental Specialist Sarah Glendon.

Highly talented candidates with much to contribute

With relatives in the U.S. Navy, Michelle started mentoring with ACP to give back to those with similar experiences. Michelle sees job-seeking veterans as highly talented candidates with a lot to offer.

“A hard work ethic and a positive attitude are invaluable in any workplace," says Michelle.

Finding a sense of deep gratification

AECOM veteran career

According to ACP surveys, nearly 100 per cent of AECOM’s mentors have expressed satisfaction with the program. Most of these mentors convey a deep sense of gratification in helping others, and many find lasting connections.

“I really enjoy helping them prepare for their next career,” explains Michelle, who is currently coaching her fourth protégé. “Our veterans have very unique stories and backgrounds and I find them all very interesting.”

Applying as a mentor after receiving ACP support

AECOM military mentor

A military spouse and former ACP protégé herself, Sarah landed her current job at AECOM with the help of her own ACP mentor. “I was so immensely grateful for her expertise and guidance that I applied to be a mentor myself when I learned AECOM participated," explains Sarah. 

Being a mentee's biggest cheerleader and trusted friend

ACP matched Sarah with Shelby Montana Harris, who goes by Montana. 

“To be honest, I was scared,” comments Montana. “When I separated from the Navy, I knew I wanted to go back to school and change career fields, but I didn’t have a clue how to accomplish a task that seemed almost impossible.”

Montana now works in her chosen career field while attending graduate school to further her specialization.

“She’s my biggest cheerleader and a trusted friend,” explains Montana. “I can honestly say that without ACP and my mentor Sarah, I would not be where I am today.”

Sarah is mentoring a third protégé, who would like to follow in her footsteps as an environmental scientist.

Work for a company supports career growth

From flexible work options that help employees balance the demands of work and life, to learning and growth programs that advance their career and the potential of working on projects around the world, the job opportunities with AECOM are virtually limitless.

Working within a global community of technical experts and professionals, an AECOM career can create relationships that support development and a career path that fits individual goals.


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