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Chloe Wyatt explains the brilliant value of a DHL apprenticeship

 May 14, 2024

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DHL's apprenticeship programmes in the UK are designed by supply chain industry professionals and best in class learning providers.

DHL's apprentices enjoy a structured development plan with real responsibility from day one, whilst gaining a wealth of professional skills and experience.

Meet DHL Supply Chain Degree Level Apprentice, Chloe Wyatt.

Learn more about what it’s like to be an apprentice with DHL Supply Chain, hear Chloe's piece of advice that she would give to others thinking about their future career, and why she chose to embark on a DHL's apprenticeship programme.

Opportunities for learning and gaining knowledge

DHL apprentice

As a DHL Charted Management Degree Level Apprentice, Chloe works in a Product Management role in DHL's Accelerated Digitalization team.

Chloe explains that she was always pushed to go to university from sixth form as she was quite academic. Chloe decided that she'd rather just get stuck in and start working, while also learning on the job.

"I've just finished my degree and I have three years' work experience, so it was the right decision for me," says Chloe.

"I liked that it was a management degree, so I covered all areas of business. I've done HR modules and Finance modules. Although I am working within IT and within operations and supply chain, I've still got learnings and knowledge from those other areas which I can apply to my work."

A strong passion for sustainability

Chloe shares that one of her big passions within DHL and within her home life is GoGreen and sustainability.

"I've been able to use some of my modules and some of my assignments to pull in that interest of mine and take on many projects within my role within IT and within DHL to utilize that sustainability and make some differences within the company," says Chloe.

Working full time while gaining a degree

For Chloe, the biggest benefit of doing a DHL apprenticeship is, although it means working full-time and within normal operations, it also means gaining a degree.

"That's not a different degree, it's the same degree you'd get if you went to university. But you've got so much knowledge and application of your studies around that degree," shares Chloe.

"I always had so much support from my university, as well as internally. With DHL there's an apprenticeship support team, there's an emerging talent team, which is where we sit as apprentices. And they're always a phone call away. There's always a lot of check-in points and contact points to make sure you're doing okay, if you've got any questions. And as well with the university, there's contact from tutors and stuff all the time. So I always feel supported," she adds.

Apprenticeships provide valuable work experience

Chloe offers some great career advice in that if someone knows what they want to do career-wise, apprenticeships certainly provide a fantastic opportunity in that they offer excellent work experience, while still being able top gain the qualifications needed for the role.

"If you don't know what you want to do, which is a situation I was in, I applied for a more general apprenticeship. So I'm still getting a degree, but because it's in management, I've explored functions like HR, economics and finance, and I've got a wide exposure to different elements of a business and within DHL that I can now see what areas interest me, what areas don't, and I can explore those if I want to move into a different realm of the business," says Chloe.

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