Capgemini is celebrated for its workplace disability inclusion

Capgemini is celebrated for its workplace disability inclusion

 July 24, 2024

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Capgemini has been recognized among the Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion. The continued efforts of Capgemini colleagues have enabled teams in Brazil, the United States, and India to achieve top scores in the Disability Equality Index, a platform that benchmarks corporate disability inclusion policies and programs globally. 

This milestone is a key step in Capgemini's ongoing efforts towards shaping inclusive futures together with its colleagues of different abilities.

Working towards better disability inclusion

Capgemini's commitment is supported by the company's engagement with the Valuable 500 global community, advocating for more capability inclusion. Valuable 500 is a global network of CEOs committed to the inclusion of people with disabilities. This partnership supports several training programs that encourage the hiring of people with disabilities in order to promote equal employment opportunities.

Some of the ways Capgemini works towards supporting disability inclusion include:

  • Improving accessibility by design for Capgemini's digital tools and workplaces
  • Providing tailored adjustments to colleagues
  • Implementing inclusive recruitment policies
  • Increasing awareness through training and employee networks

Capgemini is also a steering committee member of the International Labour Organization's Global Disability Network, exchanging best practices within its network of colleagues and partners.

Embracing abilities as a business opportunity

Capgemini's identifies Embracing Abilities as a business opportunity, not only limited to its social responsibility. Capgemini believes ability reveals itself, and seeing is believing. As such, the showcasing of role models is an integral part of Capgemini's people strategy.

Capgemini's goal is to pro-activelyhire based on ability, irrespective of the type of disability. Capgemini also proactively seeks and reviews applications from persons with disabilities for lateral open positions as well. Capgemini's governance mechanism comprises of having a Business Sponsor and Business/HR representatives from all business lines who are not only passionate, but also work on the ground to make things happen and bring the required change, making Capgemini one of the best companies for persons with disabilities.

Expanding employee horizons

Capgemini disability inclusion

Meet Marta Zając, a Junior Project Manager for Capgemini’s Cloud Infrastructure Services. 

Marta is based in Katowice, Poland. She says being open about her disability and her needs help create a more accessible and inclusive workplace.

“The great thing is that Capgemini puts a lot of effort into expanding employees’ horizons, sharing information and creating awareness around disability, alongside other topics such as how we can all be more eco-friendly and look after the environment," explains Marta. 

“The more we talk about and discuss something, the more aware people become. It means that if I need to point out a problem with accessibility, my colleagues can help sort things out. For example, I now have a special shelf in the office kitchen, just for me, which is on my level. It’s about consulting disabled people and being open to their suggestions. If you can run accessibility audits and conduct some training, even better," adds Marta.

A comprehensive benchmarking tool

The Disability Equality Index has become the leading independent, third-party resource for the annual benchmarking of corporate disability inclusion policies and programs, and is now trusted by more than 70% of the Fortune 100 and nearly half of the Fortune 500. Such companies must increasingly consider how emerging global reporting directives and stakeholder expectations surrounding social and corporate governance factors impact their operational, cultural, reputational, and financial performance. 

The Index is a comprehensive benchmarking tool that helps companies build a roadmap of measurable, tangible actions that they can take to achieve disability inclusion and equality. Each company receives a score, on a scale of zero (0) to 100, with those earning 80 and above recognized as Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion.

The Disability Equality Index is a joint initiative of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the nation’s largest disability rights organization, and Disability:IN, the global business disability inclusion network, to collectively advance the inclusion of people with disabilities. The organizations are complementary and bring unique strengths that make the project relevant and credible to corporations and the disability community. The Disability Equality Index Advisory Committee, a diverse group of business leaders, policy experts, and disability advocates, contributed to the development of the Disability Equality Index.

Work for a company that prioritizes inclusion

Capgemini is proud of its employee diversity.

Employee differences guide the company's innovation and inspiration. Capgemini sees diversity and inclusion as both a strategic advantage and an ongoing opportunity.

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