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DHL shares some great tips for making job applications stand out

DHL shares some great tips for making job applications stand out

 October 10, 2024

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The first step to landing a role in logistics (or any field) is marketing yourself effectively. Research suggests that women apply for fewer roles than men, only apply for jobs where they meet all the criteria and aren't as effective at selling their skills.

DHL has pulled together some useful hints and tips to help give applicants the confidence to call out their achievements and make their application stand out.

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network on the internet. LinkedIn to can be used for research companies, connect with employees at companies, learning skills companies are looking for, applying for jobs and preparing for interviews.

Learn more about DHL's advice help get the most out of LinkedIn, and how applicants can position themselves as an expert in their field by marketing themselves effectively with the use of a compelling LinkedIn profile.

Importance of a professional picture

The picture should be of the applicants face, not their dog or a waterfall.

"Choose a simple headshot where you are looking in the right direction and where there is no distracting background. Use a high-resolution image and make sure your photo takes up at least 60 per cent of the frame. Professional pictures are worth their weight in gold. It doesn’t have to be boring or artificial, nor do you have to wear business attire if that’s not your style," shares DHL.

Applicants need to look pleasant and professional. People remember faces and not names.

Creating a compelling headline

Applicants have 120 characters at the top of their profile to describe to the world what they do.

"Many people just put their official job title. Which is one way to go… or you can really use the site to your advantage. Choose descriptive compelling keywords that a) make you as marketable as possible, and b) help you get found by the right people. Remember, LinkedIn is a search engine," DHL explains.

Writing a captivating summary

It is well worth it to put in the effort to write a unique and captivating summary section. This could be the first paragraph from the applicants CV if they want it to be, or it could read more like their biography. Another way to use it is for applicants to put three or four of their biggest achievements to really sell themself.

"Or you could get quite creative and pair an interesting story with a section called 'what you won’t find on my CV'. How far you can go in terms of creativity depends to some extent on your industry, as some are more traditional than others," says DHL.

In any event, at the end of this section, the reader must have a strong idea of who the applicant is and how they help people.

"End with a Call to Action — e.g., 'Please reach out to discuss opportunities in X, Y, and Z'," suggests DHL.

Showcasing experience and skills

This is the body of the profile, just like on a traditional CV, where applicants really showcase their experience, expertise and skills. They add where they have worked, for how long, and in what roles and functions. Include current position and at least two other positions.

There are two basic ways to handle this section, either adapting it from the applicants CV by copy/pasting the relevant job descriptions and accomplishments for each position. Or, if the applicant is uncomfortable listing too much information under specific employers, they can simply add the name of employer, their position, dates, keep the rest blank, and include in the Summary a more general 'skills-based' experience piece.

Using industry-specific key words

Include keywords everywhere, especially in the Summary and Experience sections, for search engine optimisation (SEO) purposes. When recruiters use LinkedIn, they use certain industry-specific key words. These are the terms that will help applicants to show up in their search results within LinkedIn.

"Ways to figure out your keywords: What words and phrases might people in your target market use to search for someone with your background, experience, and service offering? Go to the Careers page of some potential employers you are interested in and pick common keywords around that job or industry," encourages DHL.

Well-crafted recommendations

Applicants should be proactive about asking for recommendations, following up, and keeping on top of it. Recommendations can be from anyone, whether that be bosses, colleagues, mentors and mentees, happy clients, or anyone who has collaborated with the applicant and benefited from their skills or advice.

A well-crafted recommendation that is genuinely glowing from a peer is better than a few generic sentences from a high-level managing director.

"Our best advice is to have a strategy. Ask each person to speak to particular skills or highlight certain experiences with as much detail as possible. Help your recommenders by giving them this detail. For example, if you want them to highlight leadership skills, remind them of two or three instances when you skillfully led a project. Finally, ensure that the sum total of your recommendations covers all your skills and experiences, and that the content in them backs up (or least does not contradict) what you wrote about yourself," says DHL.

Networking and building relationships

Groups are a way to build relationships and network with people who are doing similar work or have similar interests.

"Join as many relevant groups as you can and contribute to the conversation. As a start, join the alumni groups for where you went to university and any industry association groups pertinent to your line of work. When you join the discussion, try to lend your expertise to benefit the conversation and to show your interest and your value," explains DHL.

Who to connect to

DHL advices that on LinkedIn the applicant should connect to:

  • People in industries of interest
  • Colleagues from organisations they are interested in
  • People with similar interests/topics
  • LinkedIn influencers

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DHL understands the need for gender diversity and is actively working towards providing opportunities for women to thrive in the field.

DHL works hard to create an environment where every individual can keep learning, keep growing, and enjoy a rewarding long-term career.

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