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Interviewing for a job? DHL provides some great advice

Interviewing for a job? DHL provides some great advice

 October 16, 2024

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The first step to landing a role in logistics (or any field) is marketing yourself effectively. Research suggests that women apply for fewer roles than men, only apply for jobs where they meet all the criteria and aren't as effective at selling their skills.

DHL has pulled together some useful hints and tips to help give applicants the confidence to call out their achievements and make their application stand out.

Learn more about DHL's great job interview advice

Understanding the purpose of an interview

DHL describes an interview as an opportunity for an applicant to present their skill set, knowledge and experience to someone who is looking to recruit. 

It gives a potential employer vital information about the applicant as an individual, their qualifications and education, their experience, and the key skills they have learnt to date.

Types of interviews

DHL shares five different types of interview:

  • Experience and skill set interview (CV review)
  • Competency based (DHL method)
  • Technical interview (focused on a skill or system)
  • Behavioural or strengths-based (how well you are likely to do the job)
  • Assessment centre (used when multiple offers are required e.g. Graduate Scheme)

Three stages of job interviews

DHL guides applicants through the three stages of the interview process: 

  • Preparing for an interview
  • Attending the interview
  • Post-interview

Preparing for an interview

While preparing for an interview, DHL advises applicants to visit the company website to learn about the business, sector, and their services. 

Applicants should also prepare some questions they'd like to ask the interviewers, such as "What are the potential growth opportunities?" 

It's also important for applicants to show they understand what the company is offering and how their own goals are aligned with the business.

"Be curious! You are interviewing them as much as they are you!" says DHL. 

Attending the interview

During the interview itself, DHL suggests using the STAR Technique when responding to questions to add structure to answers: Situation - Task - Action - Result.

DHL suggests that "honesty is key" and applicants should take time to think through the question. 

"Remember good eye contact, avoid over-familiarity, and ask about next steps," adds DHL.

After the interview

After the interview, DHL advises applicants to reflect on how well you presented yourself? For example, what went well and what didn’t? Were you able to answer effectively? Which areas need more preparation?"

Remember to ask for feedback to learn from the experience

"Discuss your interview with another person as talking it through offers a different perspective," says DHL.

A further tip is to email the interviewers to thank them for their time.

In summary ...

  • Prepare for the job interview and find out what the format will be.
  • List career examples to talk about.
  • Take notes in with you (and make notes if you want to).
  • Avoid over-familiarity and remain professional.
  • Use the STAR technique: Situation, Task, Action, Result.
  • Take time to answer.
  • Have some questions to ask.
  • Ask for feedback.

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