Meet a Honeywell #futureshaper with family centered in their career

Meet a Honeywell #futureshaper with family centered in their career

 September 25, 2019

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Meet #futureshaper John Desmarchais from Honeywell. Like many of his colleagues, John's passion in life is his family.

John's family definitely comes first and thankfully his employer, Honeywell, certainly enables that to happen.

Having the bandwidth to grow

John is a finance manager at Honeywell and he's passionate about money management. He values that Honeywell provides the bandwidth to develop and gain a great breadth of knowledge in his area of interest.

"Honeywell has all these tools that allow me to be so impactful while I'm at work," explains John. "They also give me the bandwidth to be at home and still be the dad that I want to be. We had a baby earlier this year. I was able to take paternity leave. That was really great for me to really connect with my new child. My whole family situation would be much more challenging if it weren't for Honeywell." 

John started in the Honeywell's Future Finance Leaders program on 18 month rotations across different areas of finance like accounting and finance support.

Join John and his colleagues and apply to be a #Futureshaper with Honeywell.

Consider Honeywell's Future Finance Leaders program

The Future Finance Leaders program at Honeywell help employees turn their interest in money management into a successful career.

After various work rotations, participants develop the breadth of knowledge they need to grow in their careers. Find out more!


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