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Sandra Cooney works as a DHL Ambulance Care Assistant

 July 17, 2024

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DHL's Ambulance Care Assistants transport patients between hospitals, care homes and clinics, for medical appointments and treatment.

Meet DHL Ambulance Care Assistant and a driver for the Patient Transport Service, Sandra Cooney.

Sandra enjoys her rewarding DHL role and discusses the satisfaction she receives and the passionate DHL colleagues who make her feel part of a big family.

Taking care of patients throughout the journey

Sandra explains that her DHL team starts each day with a briefing. They are then allocated their vehicles and their crew member for the day, and then log into what's known as a PDA.

"The PDA is a device that we log our daily activities in to. The patient's journey is different every single time. What you have to think about is that they may have a hearing or sight impairment, a disability or even a mental health issue. On the journey, they might become unwell. So, when you have two crew members, obviously the one that is driving and another one is taking care of the patient throughout that journey," explains Sandra.

Working for DHL each day is rewarding

For Sandra, her job with DHL is very rewarding, and she goes home each night with a story to tell her family.

"Some days I go home with with goosebumps. The joy on people's faces when you bring them back to their families, especially for some who didn't even expect they'd have them back, and just being a part of that journey, it's amazing," says Sandra. "Generally, this job takes your breath away. It makes you feel fantastic, the best thing I've ever done."

Surrounded by a team of amazing colleagues

Sandra says she really enjoys working with DHL and has never had a bunch of such amazing colleagues as she currently has with the company.

"You do this job for the passion and the satisfaction, so you end up having a great team around you. Everybody here has a big heart. I feel like I'm part of a big family here," says Sandra.

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